Day 12: The End of Millan

Observation of the day….America lives in bounty.. weird to say I know. I guess maybe that’s something that either needs to be taken in a different perspective, or at least unpacked a bit. My example for the trip as a whole. No where do you get free refills…or for that matter (drum roll) free water! Yes I said it, no free water. It’s interesting, and definitely hard to accept that that is normal since I’ve grown up in a country where things like water, and refills…etc. are free.
            I have a few conclusions on the why factor. One more on the cynical side and more for simply getting it out of my system… they’re all cheap. Two, its simply something they can’t afford, based on their standard of living. Three… things are just plan old more expensive. I have a feeling its more around the idea of number two. Regardless it makes me excited when I can sit down…get a water, and get a Pepsi and refill them both for free!
            I think that’s why it speaks to American bounty, because we get that and its expected back home. It’s unusual the more I looked at it why, but I’m not sure. It’s probably because of availability being higher, standard of living may be lower, and/ or simply because our culture tends to be much more about self and catering/ selling to that aspect. I’m not sure yet, but simply this issue with food is an interesting one to contrast.

            Also on the what happened today, We chilled. It was fantastic. Not to say we did nothing, because we crammed stuff in this morning. One was cool and it was climbing the stairs to the top of the late Baroque period Duomo. The views and simply the architecture of the church was astounding. The more incredible thing we did was see Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper….
            It was fantastic, it moved me, and it…wait for it…blew me away. It’s so perfect in its composition. If you know it, which I’m sure you do, look it up and read about how Da Vinci planned it all out and did it because he thought through everything. Though its not at all in its best condition, its composition is one of the most mathematically and aesthetically perfect pieces I’ve seen. I’m not even generally a fan of it, but seeing that 15 foot wide piece blew me away. Such a beautiful piece, especially considering all its survived (again look it up).
            Also on a side note, which was a ton of fun, while exploring and just relaxing around the Sforza Castle in Milan we got to watch, the last leg of the Bike Race…I forgot the name and my cyclist friends while probably remind me later, but it’s the equivalent to the Tour de France for Italy. It was pretty awesome.
            Milan’s been interesting, and its definitely not on my top list, just do to its size, business, its appearance driven culture, and its expensive tastes, but it has things I’ve grown to admire and things I couldn’t miss (such as the Last Supper). I’ll be ready to head out though that’s for sure. On to the next location, and doubtfully to wifi…so this will probably be a few more days till its posted.